HIIT That Bag! High-Intensity Interval Training for Padel With a Budget
Are you worried you can’t impprove your game because you don’t necessarily have an expensive gym membership? Don’t worry you don’t actually have to go through all that. here’s the secret to breaking the sweat. Specifically high-intensity interval training (HIIT) for padel without any gym equipment.
First you’ll need two things: a jump rope and a good ole’ sandbag. Yes you read that right, a sandbag.
The sandbags can range anywhere between 10-100+ lbs, depending on how you make it, and your current strength level. For the purpose of this workout, use a sandbag weighing around 20-40 lbs. 20 lb bag for a female 40 lb bag for a male.
This workout circuit is not for the faint of heart. I’ve warned you, but believe me the results are worth it. You just have to get through doing 6 rounds total.

No pain no gain right?
To begin, set the sandbag on your right shoulder, and execute 15 squats. Then pause for 20 seconds and switch to the jump rope. After you catch your breath do 40 jump rope or whatever your record is in a 20 second time limit.
That’s all there is to it for this round. When you’re done, take a 20s break and repeat on the other side. Make sure you switch shoulder for each rounds.
Complete all six rounds of play.
When we become weary, our minds wander, we lose concentration, and we start making mistakes that we usually wouldn’t. The only way to counteract this is to practice to the point of exhaustion, and then push ourselves to focus until we reach that point in a match.
This Interval’s focus is on jumping rope. Jumping rope isn’t as simple as it seems, and if you’ve ever done it, you know it’s much more difficult when you’re fatigued. Your recovery time between points and your attention levels will both improve as a result of following this padel training plan.