What to Eat Before a Padel Match
You are what you eat, as they say. So what exactly should you pack in to play a winner’s game in padel?
As defined by the World Health Organization, nutrition is food consumption by the body’s nutritional requirements. An adequate and balanced diet coupled with frequent physical activity is an essential component of optimal health.
Every person has dietary requirements that are determined by our physical and physiological features, as well as our everyday activities.
Should someone who sits for 10 hours a day and a Pro Tour player eat the same? Well, the answer is no. If you wanna play a good padel game, then you have to eat like a champion!
Suppose we want to start a diet and pay attention to our nutrition. In that case, the first step is to entrust ourselves to experts and competent people. Unfortunately, as in the area of physical exercise, there is a great deal of confidence in nutrition and dietetics, and many individuals advise us what and how to eat without first doing research on our metabolism and daily activity.
However, everyone may follow certain general guidelines to help us feel better in each padel training and match, and therefore enhancing our performance. If you play padel regularly, consider the following suggestions:

Eat 5 times a day. Too much? Well, if you want to speed up in court, you might as well start from the gut!
There are many benefits of eating 5 times a day, every 2-3 hours. One benefit is that it keeps our metabolism functioning, which keeps us energetic all day.
We avoid the sensations of hunger and fainting, as well as binges during significant meals. The number of calories we must consume at any one moment fluctuates depending on our daily caloric expenditure.
Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and supper like a beggar
When we get up, we should have a substantial breakfast to have enough energy to begin our day. It’s time to grab a piece of fruit or a drink and go to lunch in the middle of the morning.
At midday, we must eat everything since we will need the energy to continue our activity depending on the physical activity that follows.
We should take a cookie or a little sandwich at the snack, mainly if we will play padel and finish with a light supper.

Make sure you have a balanced diet
In general, it is best for anybody to have a well-balanced diet that includes various foods. Because of its wide variety and high quality of food, a balanced diet is ideal. This diversity is necessary to provide the body with all the nutrients and chemicals required for optimum functioning.
We should limit our intake of fried or high-fat foods. When it comes to fats, we should choose those that are few and of high quality wherever feasible; therefore, we may use olive oil, nuts, seeds, olives, or avocado, but always in moderation so as not to favor excesses that we know are not recommended in the diet, particularly at night.
Also, avoid using hazardous drugs such as alcohol, cigarettes, or coffee.
5-10 minutes after each game: hydrate and eat protein
Following the physical activity, it is critical to replenish the body’s nutrients lost during exercise. It is critical to consume meals high in protein and hydration right now but in moderation. This will boost anabolism and muscular development while also allowing you to recuperate before tiredness and exertion.
Always have a snack or a small sandwich on hand for after exercise. Even if the game becomes longer and more physically demanding, bring a banana or a couple of snacks to a hydrating bar so you can continue playing with intensity.

Drink! Drink! Drink!
Under normal circumstances, experts in medicine and physiology suggest drinking 3-4 liters of water. We may raise that quantity if we engage in physical activity or if the weather circumstances need it.
When we go to a game or a training session, we need to stay hydrated and drink water before, during, and after. If we have done a strenuous exercise, it is best to consume isotonic beverages to replenish the expended substances. You might, however, take a piece of fruit.
Don’t forget to bring treats in your bag just in case.
When packing your daily bag to go to training or a game, remember to include the following items in addition to a spare grip, hat, glasses, and all of your equipment:
Before, during, and after training, a bottle of water or isotonic drink should be consumed. Eat pieces of fruit like a banana during the game and an apple afterward. After the game, an energy bar or a veggie sandwich will help you recuperate from your exertions.