Is Padel Plant-Based? Safe To Play For Vegans
It’s no secret that veganism is becoming more popular in the media, retail, and even sports. Now that people are getting more and more concious of their lifestyle choices, there’s on big question everyone wants the answer to:
Is padel vegan?
Plant-based diets have been linked to better overall health, immunological function, cardiovascular health, and longevity, according to scientific data. A plant-based diet would seem to make sense if you want to improve your performance in any aspect of your life, including sports.
Now this leads us back to our original question…
Is padel a sport to enjoy if you’re leading a vegan lifestyle?
If you’re seeking an ethical sport that doesn’t use any animal products, padel is your best option
The courts, netting, rackets, balls, shoes, and clothes are all made without the usage of any animal products. Padel may be enjoyed by non-vegans as well. All ages are welcome to play padel.
Ingredients for each facet of the game of padel are laid down separately. We can verify that the game of padel is vegan if we take a closer look at each of its components.
A vegan sport like padel requires that the court, equipment, and clothing involved with the activity be entirely devoid of animal products.
There is some good news: padel courts are built of vegan materials. Vegan-friendly materials are used in everything from footwear to apparel. Full synthetic AstroTurf is used on the court. There are no animal products in the plate-glass walls and steel mesh that surround a padel court. The court is thus completely vegan.
There are no animal products in the net since it’s constructed of nylon cord. Fiberglass or carbon fiber covers a synthetic EVA foam core on padel rackets. In addition, the handle/grip is made of synthetic materials. This means that the whole padel racket is vegan.
There are synthetic rubber balls used in padel. The padel ball’s fuzzy outer layer is produced from recycled PET plastic bottles. Those who are worried about the amount of plastic waste that is generated when old padel balls are thrown away could invest in a re-inflation pressure tube.
As with many other high-performance sports shoes, padel shoes are created entirely out of synthetic materials, making them wholly plant-based. Most running and tennis attire is constructed of the same synthetic, moisture-wicking, and technological fabric used in padel clothes, as well.